Michigan March for Life Bus Registration
If you are bringing a bus to the 2023 Michigan March for Life, let us know you're coming!

The Michigan State March is a pro-life advocacy event.  By filling out this form, you acknowledge that you agree with our message of love for unborn children and their mothers, as well as the importance of defending the life and dignity of these unborn children.  We thank you for your commitment to the pro-life cause! 

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Organization Name *
Organization Contact (First and last name) *
Organization Contact Email Address *
Departure City *
Departing from? (Be as specific as possible please!) *
Departing on November 8th, from the above location, at .... *
Leaving from Lansing to go home at.... *
This bus is charging __________ per seat- (please note, if this is left blank, reach out to the bus point of contact to see if there is no charge or if they simply neglected to list one) *
OPTIONAL- link to affiliate website-
OPTIONAL- Any additional notes?
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