Atlanta Contemporary Tour Request
Please complete the entire form to submit your request. Tour requests must be must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance.

A visit to Atlanta Contemporary offers the opportunity to change the way we all see art. 

Who can visit?
We offer in-person and virtual tours of our galleries to people all ages. 

Please note that our galleries are small - we can best accommodate groups of 40 people or fewer.  

A 45 to 60 minute guided tour of our current exhibitions allows you to ask questions, look closely, and talk about what's on view with a trained member of the Atlanta Contemporary team.

Some of our exhibitions contain sensitive imagery or topics such as nudity or violence. Please check on our current exhibitions or send an email to Emma Blessing to learn more about the exhibitions.  

Studio Visits
Interested in visiting a working Studio Artist while you are at Atlanta Contemporary? Let us know and we will connect you with one of our Studio Artist Program participants. 

For more information and to see the exhibitions currently on view, explore our website at Questions? Email Emma Blessing at

Tour Hours
Wednesdays-Sundays, 11am-4pm

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Name of Your Organization/Institution
Full Name of Group Coordinator
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Zip Code
Your zip code can represent your organization or just from your main contact.
Type of Tour
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Tour Date Requested (First Choice)
Tour requests must be must be submitted at least 1 week in advance.
Tour Date Requested (Second Choice)
Tour requests must be must be submitted at least 1 week in advance.
Preferred Start Time
Age Range of Individuals in Group
Number of Individuals in Group
Would you like to visit a Studio Artist?
Please note that it is not guaranteed that any Studio Artists will be available on your preferred date. Studio visits usually take an additional 25 minutes.  
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If you are registering for a virtual tour, do you have experience with Zoom, the online video meeting program?
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