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Town of Independence Police Reform Survey
64 responses
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Please select the response that best describes you.
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What best describes your gender identity?
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With which racial and ethnic group(s) do you identify? (Select all that apply)
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Police officers are a necessary part of our community.
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I feel confident that the local and and adjacent police departments are responsive to my needs.
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The local police department is transparent and accountable to taxpayers.
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If I have a complaint against my local police department or officer, I am confident it will be heard and reviewed objectively.
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On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (extremely), how satisfied are you with the present police department?
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Please select the top 5 services that you think are the most important for our police department to provide.
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What services should be provided to the community that are not currently offered?
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What would be the single biggest change we could make to improve policing in the local community?
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