Hullabaloo Community Partners Application Form
Thank you for your interest in Hullabaloo - a fun, festive atmosphere created on Scope Plaza three hours prior to each Virginia International Tattoo performance. Each Hullabaloo offers a variety of tasty foods, craft beers, music, bag pipers, dance, drill performances and more. The Hullabaloo is free to the public and is the perfect opportunity to interact with the local community.

Over 4,000 people anticipated each day!

Address: Scope Plaza, 201 East Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23510
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Email *
- No fee for Community Partners
- We cannot provide power; please provide your own or come fully charged
- Overnight security will be provided
- Tents, chairs and tables are not provided; tents must be weighted down
Your Contact Info
Organization Name *
Point of Contact Name for this specific event *
POC Phone Number *
POC Email Address *
Mailing Address *
Description of Set Up
Select days of participation *
Size of Space Needed *
Signature of Owner or Manager (with date) *
Thank you again for your interest! We'll be in touch soon!
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