Order Request
The Ihezie Foundation donates books focused on reading for pleasure to primary schools in the UK, donated to us by book resellers and retailers. Schools interested in receiving a donation can fill in this form, we prioritise in order of need, and our current delivery priorities, and try to donate to a series of schools in a patch simultaneously. We are an independent and small charity, and thus we have to raise funds for the cost of delivery for the books we donate, therefore any submission for books is subject to funding.
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How many pupils are enrolled at your school?
What is the name of your school? *
How many books does your school want? *
We get many more requests for books then we can possibly manage to fulfill each year, what makes your school particularly deserving of books? Can you please provide us with any statistics or evidence about your pupils progress, the demographics of your pupils, or the current state of your library which might help us determine if your school meets our high priority list. *
If children do not have books at home that come to your school, could you please share why you think they don't, and any anecdotal stories about the children. Please anonymise them, we do not need to know names of actual children. *
If you had these books delivered, please share four things you would do at school to promote their use and borrowing, as well as what you would do to encourage increasing reading in school and at home?
The school's address, including County and postcode?
Your name *
Phone number *
Preferred contact method *
Please confirm whether you wish to opt in to receiving future correspondence from us. *
Confirm that, by filling in this form, you understand that we can't guarantee a book delivery to any school, and that your book delivery is dependent on us securing adequate funding for your school to receive a delivery. *
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