SRF | Participation in SYNGAP1 Patient Analysis project to identify better medicines
SRF is tirelessly working to identify better drugs for our patients. We have partnered with Unravel Biosciences  to study our patients in hopes of using their drug library to find a molecule that may help them. We need at least 20, ideally 30, patients in the USA or Canada to participate. 

Thank you for considering this study. By participating, you agree to: (1) receive nasal swabs at your home to swab a SYNGAP1 patient and a SAME-SEX family member who lives in the same household; and (2) return the samples as quickly as possible, within two weeks at most.

This form is a screener. Please complete it and we will reach out with next steps promptly.
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Email *
Please, tell us about you!
Your First & Last Name *
What is your relationship to the SynGAPian? *
Please, tell us about the SYNGAP1 patient!
SynGAPian Name(s) *
SynGAPian's Age *
SynGAPian's Sex *
SynGAPian's mutation type *
Please type in your Syngapian's mutation (if you don't know, please let us know this also) *
Are they enrolled in the Citizen Health platform? *
Please, tell us about the control!
To do this work, we need a biological immediate relative of the patient who lives in same home and is the same sex. A sibling is ideal; parent is also okay.
Control's name (same-sex immediate biological family member; i.e.,  SynGAPian's parent, brother or sister) *
Control's relationship to SynGAPian *
Does the control live in the same home as the SynGAPian? *
Control's Sex *
Almost done!
I agree and understand that I will get a FedEx package that SRF has paid for and I am going to send that back in two weeks or less.  *
Please share your cell phone number for questions and follow up. *
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