Digital Futures – Createch Challenge Area Survey (PhDs)
Dear PhD students,

At Digital Futures (, we are compiling a list of UoM researchers whose work is in the intersection of arts/culture/heritage and digital, in order to facilitate networking and other collaboration opportunities. If your PhD research is in this area, could we please ask you to complete this short survey.

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Email *
Name: *
Faculty: *
School/UoM Cultural Organisation: *
Main supervisor: *
Are you affiliated with a UoM interdisciplinary institute, centre or network? If so, please mention it below.
Select any of the following keywords/titles that relate to your research *
Title and brief overview of your PhD: *
Does your PhD involve studying a particular arts/cultural/heritage organisation/community? (If so, please provide details) *
Would you be interested in joining a UoM community of PhD students, whose research is in the intersection of arts/culture/heritage and digital? *
If you answered Yes/Maybe in the previous question, what would you like this PhD community to offer?  
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Would you like to subscribe to a Digital Futures mailing list and newsletter? (to receive information about relevant seminars, explore possible collaborations with other UoM researchers and external partners and share news about your research activity) *
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