Volp Knowledge Quiz
Dear members and enthusiasts of the Volp project. We will be realizing a campaign of questions to get an overview of what you know about the purpose and nuances of the Volp project.

What we intend with this promotion is that the participants provide us with honest answers, so that they can be analyzed and later debated, promoting a greater understanding about the project.

The rewards will be distributed after the analysis that will occur after completing the form

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please we ask that you don't copy phrases made on the site or something similar.

It is very important for us to understand what our community is absorbing from information about the Volp project.

Only fill the form once.

Be simple and honest with your answers
How will the  reward work?
For each question will have a score that will be converted into volpcoin tokens.

We will distribute 1000 reward tokens max per user
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