Do you currently have a hedgehog? If so, age and sex of current hedgehog (s)
Your answer
Have you owned a hedgehog in the past? If so, age/cause of death
Your answer
Who will be the primary caregiver of the hedgehog? If child, please list age (s)
Your answer
Do you have a veterinarian for your hedgehog? Please list name and phone number.
Your answer
Are you willing to care for the hedgehog throughout its entire life, regardless of illness, injury or other problems
Your answer
What other pets are on the premises, owned by you or others
Your answer
Will you allow your pets to interact with each other
Your answer
Do you ever plan on breeding your hedgehog
Your answer
What will your hedgehog live in? Give a full description including dimensions
Your answer
What type of bedding or cage liner will you use
Your answer
Hedgehogs need room temperature to be 70 or more. How will you keep the area warm enough?
Your answer
Will you provide a wheel for exercise? What brand
Your answer
What other exercise will you give your hedgehog
Your answer
What will you feed your hedgehog? Please list specific brands
Your answer
Will you be willing to trim nails and bathe as needed
Your answer
Will your hedgehog be allowed to roam the house
Your answer
How often will the cage be cleaned
Your answer
Where did you hear about us
Your answer
Do you have any other questions
You can also email us at with additional questions. If you are under the age of 18, please also have a parent email me to give their okay. Thanks!!