【免费】2024 年独中初二试课
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家长或监护人名字 Parent's Name *
家长或监护人电话号码 Parent's contact number *
请在号码前加上6。如您没有马来西亚的手提号码,请联络6011 2818 3030
家长或监护人电邮 Parent's email *
学生名字 Student Name *
请提供中英文,方便处理。Please provide name in both mandarin (if available) and english for ease of administration.
学生WhatsApp号码 Student WhatsApp number (optional)
我们会把家长加入WhatsApp的试课群里,老师会把教材发到群里,如果您想把孩子加入群里,请提供孩子的WhatsApp号码。We will then add parents into a temporary WhatsApp group, whereby teacher will forward the study material there. If you want your child to be included in that WhatsApp group, please provide his or her contact number here.
独中初二试课时间表 (电脑用户可以点击右键,选择"Open Image in New Tab"以放大图片)
上课时间 Class Schedule(可选多达四科) *
就读哪一间独中 Which Chinese Independent School *
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学生是否有某些单元或地方特别弱或讨厌?如有,请简约列出。 Any area that is particularly weak or dislike? *
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