[Feedback Form] Google Analytics 4 Access Reports

The Google Analytics Admin API v1 lets you to data access reports using the runAccessReport method. The report provides records of each time a user reads Google Analytics reporting data.

Access Reports can be used to determine the most recent access time of users and clean up unused permissions. Access Reports can be used to determine which users & applications are consuming your Data API quota tokens.

We'd like for you to take a few minutes to provide some feedback to help inform this effort. Thank you!

Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
What are your biggest pain points using Google Analytics Admin API to run access reports? *
Any specific feedback/requests that should be considered?
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E-mail address
Please let us know your e-mail address if you would like to receive a response to your feedback.
Which group best describes your interaction with, and usage of Google Analytics?
Are you a GA4 360 user?
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