Join Wellington Multiples
Please complete the following details in order for us process your request to join the club or renew your membership.
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New membership or Renewing? *
Mother's First Name *
Mother's Surname *
Address *
Your mobile number *
Email *
Joining Members Date of Birth *
Ethnicity of Mum? *
Your Partners Name
Your Partners Surname
Partners Email Address
Type of Multiples *
40 Week Due Date of Babies *
Babies birthdate if already born? *
Ethnicity of babies? *
How will you be paying your membership fee? *
Facebook name that will be used to join the Wellington Multiples Page if different from your name above?
Would you like us to place a 1st birthday announcement in our Newsletter and/or on Facebook when your babies turn 1? We will email you nearer the time to confirm. 
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