Do you have Advanced Account Protection enabled on your Growtopia Account? *
Scenario 1: You see a player spamming with a bot/macro, what would you do to prevent it and how? *
Your answer
Scenario 2: You come across a player who is being toxic and bullying other players, what would you do in this situation? *
Your answer
Scenario 3: What would you do If you saw an fellow-moderator doing illegal activities or abusing the /rules ? *
Your answer
What punishments do you believe is fair for casinos? *
Are you trustworthy and honest player in the community? *
How many Epic Quest's have you achieved? *
Your answer
Do you have any Punishment (ban) history on your current account? *
Please select the platforms you are actively playing Growtopia on: *
After you are done sending this form, please give us some time to review your application. Ubidev will contact you through Discord, If we are interested.