Give your Feedback on Mr B.F.F's Work!
This is just a quick satisfaction survey about your experience on my YouTube channels: Mr B.F.F and Mr B.F.F Projects and what I can do to improve it. Your feedback really matters.

Just a small heads up:
No part of your responses on this form will be shared with others - we only tally what's important.
Your responses help me improve on the content towards either channel I own.
Anyone is able to submit their response if they watched little or a lot of my content.
Responses can be anonymous but I recommend if you responded with your channel name or username, so I know you better.

- Once I receive enough responses, submissions will closed.
- I will at some point, share and bump this survey on my community tab every once a while.

Once you've reached the end of the survey, You are free to send me your own channel link or your website that I can see and I can visit and give feedback. (I have a website too! - or - send either a website or YouTube channel link.)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Firstly, are you subscribed to one or all of Mr B.F.F's channels? *
Check all that apply.
Have you ever left a comment on my channel(s)? *
Regardless if your subscribed or not. Remember all comments must be safe for work.
Have you ever followed my external Social Media accounts before? *
Check all that apply.
What do you think about my external Social Media accounts?
Respond only if you have visited my external accounts.
What do you like about my channel(s)? Absolute favorite thing? *
Please be brief and give specific details about what you like.
What do you NOT like about the channel(s)? Absolute worst thing? *
Is there a problem about what you do not like about my channel(s)? Please speak up about it as detailed as possible.
If you had to give a short answer feedback, what would it be? *
Should I change my user name? *
I still have feelings to change it but you can respond with Yes, No or not sure.
Do you have suggestions for any content I should roll out?
A poll will be added on my community tab in the upcoming weeks. If you can't respond to this question, then that's alright.
Is there any other comments?
This is a full-form long answer text, so please put comments if needed.
Who is writing this response today?
Optional question. Write a channel name or username - if possible. It helps to know who wrote a response!
If you were to rate my content and channels out of 10, what would that be? *
Thank you for your responses! Please share me a link to your YouTube channel, website or brand if you have one.
Do you have a social media profile, I am glad to visit it. Please drop a link if you like. Links must follow URL format -
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