Welcome to Little Phil's RateMyBandage.com
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This website is just for a bit of fun!
This website is intended just for a bit of fun, the informaiton supplied will not be used for any purpose other than to make people smile, so be creative with your answers but keep it PG! ;)

If any of the informaiton you provide here should be used and/or shared, your identity will remain anonymous at all times.
What is your first name? (Optional)
What was your injury/reason for treatment? (Optional)
What Type Treatment did you receive today? (optional)
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What happened to cause your injury (be creative!) ? (Optional)
What Kind of Bandage(s)/Dressing(s) were applied? *
How would you rate the neatness of your bandage/treatment? *
How clean were the facilities at the Student Support Centre?
A Dump
Immaculate (Perfect)
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How likely are you to reccomend the Student Support Centre to a friend?
More likely to tell them to avoid it
I'm dragging them in, it was so good
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Did you feel valued and cared for?
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How would you rate the friendlyness of the staff member at the Student Support Centre??
A Dragon
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Were you offered a drink whilst at the Student Support Centre?
Clear selection
How could we improve your experiece  at the Student Support Centre?
Would you come to the Student Support Centre again for treatment? *
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