Tahoe-Truckee Hike for Hope Feedback Survey
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Which Hike for Hope events have you hiked with us?
Have you been a fundraiser for the Hike for Hope?
Do you follow our social media pages? 
Can we count on your participation in for the 2024 Tahoe-Truckee Hike for Hope on June 23rd at Donner Memorial State Park?
Are you interested in joining the planning team for the 2024 Hike for Hope?
What could be improved upon for future hikes? (registration, fundraising, venue, trail, etc.)
What most appeals to you about Tahoe-Truckee Hike for Hope?
Would you like to see anything added to the opening or closing ceremony?
Would you attend a celebration event with music after the hike?
Why do you participate in Tahoe-Truckee Hike for Hope?
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with our team!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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