Proposal Submission Form for 119th CANE Annual Meeting - March 21-22, 2025, at Yale University
The DEADLINE for submission of this form is DECEMBER 15, 2024.

Please note that only MEMBERS of CANE may present papers or workshops or panels at the annual meeting. Please renew your membership if you have not already. You can check your membership status in the Account section of 

Your submissions can be for a PAPER, WORKSHOP, or PANEL of papers, and these options are given below. If you wish to submit a PANEL, please note that each SESSION is 75 minutes and therefore we recommend no more than 3 to 4 papers in a panel. Workshop providers have the option of choosing half-sessions of 35 minutes. Please see further information among the options below.

Please limit yourself to ONE submission. Members of panels should not submit any other, independent proposal. Thank you.
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Email *
FIRST Name of Proposer of Paper, Workshop, or Panel *
LAST Name of Proposer of Paper, Workshop, or Panel *
I am a member of CANE. If I am submitting a panel proposal, all panelists are members of CANE. *
Please go to to join or renew your membership.
Institutional Affiliation (optional)
Please indicate your date or dates of availability for presenting (if you are submitting a panel, your answer applies to all the presenters on your panel) *
If circumstances necessitate we move to a virtual annual meeting, are you still willing to present via Zoom (this answer applies to all presenters for panels)? *
Do you consent to being recorded? 

The video would subsequently be posted to the video archives on as a member benefit.
Brief biography to be used for your introduction at the meeting *
 Please limit to 100 words per person.
Proposal Type
Your abstract or proposal for the annual meeting can be for a PAPER, WORKSHOP, or PANEL of papers. If you wish to submit a PANEL, please note that each SESSION is a little over an hour, and therefore we recommend no more than 3 to 4 papers in a panel.

Please limit yourself to ONE submission. Members of panels should not submit any other, independent proposal. Thank you.
Format of presentation *
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