Expo 2025 Patron Interest
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Business Name *
Contact Name *
Contact e-mail address *
Contact Phone Number *
Do you know, or are you related to, an NISD employee? If so, please list name of NISD employee below.
What area of study (content or curriculum area) would this business like to sponsor? *
If unsure, you can put "ANY" or just note the specialty area of the sponsoring business and our committee will do the rest!
What prize(s) or experience(s) would your business be able to offer to presenting students? *
Please be specific and if your business is able to offer multiple awards, please be sure to also note that in your description.
Are there any prerequisites required by your business for students to accept this award?
This may include, but not be limited to, restrictions such as number of students, age range, area of study, campus, etc. If yes, please describe in detail.
Is this business an existing NISD "Partner In Education"? *
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