Registration Form
Registration for the open qualification Game of Skate Contest at the Landhausplatz on Sep 1.
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
E-Mail *
Address *
Hometown *
Phone number *
Instagram Profile
DON'T FORGET: Please post a video of your best flatground tricks on your insta and tag us *
Can we use pictures & videos from your Instagram account for promoting purposes? *
Stance *
What category do you compete in? *
Important Information:
Your registration is only confirmed when you received a confirmation email from us and have transferred the entry fee of 20€. As soon as we have confirmed your registration, you give us the right to use your data in the context of the competition. Please be aware that travel and accommodation in Innsbruck has to be organized by yourself.
Prize giving:
1st place: Wildcard Entry to the Pro Game of Skate Contest on Sep 2 + hard- & softgoods
2nd place: hard- & softgoods
3rd place: hard- & softgoods

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