Final evaluation survey of Erasmus+ project Look after nature and nature will look after you.
This is  the last, evaluation survey of an Erasmus + plus project 2018-2021called "Look after nature and nature will look after you".
The goal is assess the impact of the project on students, teachers and local community members in six countries - Bulgaria, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania.
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1.Why did you decide to take part in this project? *
 2.How did you benefit out of this project ? *
3.Do you agree that you have improved your knowledge of partner countries’ traditions and cultures  ? *
4.What did you learn by taking part in this project ? *
5.Did you take part in any mobility to a partner school ? (If the answer is “No” choose “Not applicable “ in the next question (6) *
6. How did you benefit from taking part in a mobility to a partner school ? *
7. Do you agree that your eco awareness increased by participating in this project ? *
8.How would you estimate your Eco awareness before joining the project ? *
9. How would you estimate your Eco awareness after completion of the project *
10.Do you agree that the project changed students’/ teachers’/ communities’ eco awareness attitude ? *
11.  Participation in the project has influenced your knowledge in the following areas : *
12. Do you agree that taking part in Erasmus + project has increased school’s prestige ? *
13. Would you like to participate in the future in another Erasmus + project ? *
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