UMMAP Bargaining RSVP *Marathon Bargaining*
Please complete the form to indicate on what date and time you plan to be at bargaining. Anyone not on the Bargaining Team will need to attend on unpaid time.

The union and management have agreed to a week of marathon bargaining from October 28th to November 1st. All sessions will take placeĀ from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Halloween (10/31), and will be held at the North Campus Administrative Complex (2901 Hubbard Rd, Ann Arbor). The front door is locked so please text Alex Elkins at 908-414-0932 or Saran Walker at 313-247-0869 to be let inside the building. Parking is unenforced on bargaining days.

We want to PACK THE ROOM specifically on Monday, October 28th and Friday, November 1st.

We ask all attendees to observe the following rules while management is in the room:
1) keep a poker face
2) no recording of any kind
3) generally remain quiet unless asked to speak by the chief negotiator
4) refrain from extended use of your phone

If you need to leave during negotiations, please do so in a way that minimizes distractions.
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Please select the days and times you plan to attend:
I intend to stay for lunch on the days I've selected:
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Feel free to ask questions here
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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