2. In consideration of receiving permission to take part in the Events, I agree to release and hold harmless the contest organizers, Sharjah International Paragliding Championship the property owners of the operation areas (including launch and landing areas), the and Emirates Aerosports Federation and
their respective af_iliates, agents, of_icers, directors, owners, commission
or jury members, contractors, volunteers, employees and insurers (collectively, the "Released Parties") from any and all claims I might make as a result of physical injury, including death, or property damage sustained in connection with the Events. I promise not to sue the Released Parties and agree that if anyone is physically injured or property is damaged while I am engaged in the Events, I will have no right to make a claim or _ile a lawsuit against the Released Parties. The provisions of this paragraph 2 shall not apply to misconduct Determined to have been undertaken intentionally or recklessly. (Initials: )