Run Canonbury Run! 

Get ready to test your stamina in the upcoming Run Islington Run.

Canonbury is joining children from nineteen other primary schools for a community fundraising fun run on Sunday 7th July at Highbury Fields from 10am - 12pm. 

All Canonbury pupils from nursery to year 6, and their parents, are invited.

Registration is free!  Can you take on a running challenge to raise funds for your school? 

It will be a morning of fun and fitness with warm-ups and games, medals and snacks for all participants. 

Nursery and reception children will complete a 1km with their parents and runners from years 1 - 6 will run 2km.

Use this opportunity to fundraise for our school!

Everyone who runs should seek sponsorship from friends, family and neighbours. 

You can set up your own sponsorship page here:

Register to reserve your place

Please complete the details below for each runner. When you register, you automatically agree to the event's Terms and Conditions

We look forward to a great day of exercise, fun and community bonding.

For more event information, go to:

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Register all participants
You can register up to 4 runners on each form. Parents who are running need to register too. If you are registering more than 4 people, use another form. 
Participant 1 - First Name *
Participant 1 - Surname *
Participant 1 - Select a run *
Participant 2 - First Name
Participant 2 - Surname
Participant 2 - Select a run
Participant 3 - First Name
Participant 3- Surname
Participant 3 - Select a run
Participant 4 - First Name
Participant 4 - Surname
Participant 4 - Select a run
Your name *
contact email *
enter you email address
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