PCDC Contact Tracing
Portland Country Dance Community (PCDC) will store this information for use by PCDC Contra and English Country dance door entry and contact tracing. We will not share it outside of PCDC unless you check the box to allow us to share it with other Portland-area contra dance organizers.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Format: ###-###-####
In order to avoid having to show your vaccination card again at any PCDC event, 1st or 3rd Saturday Contra, Joyride or Contra Remix, these groups are creating a combined database that will contain contact tracing information and a record that you showed your vaccination card and signed the waiver. Would you like us to share this information with these other groups? *
Do you want to be added to the following PCDC email lists used for event announcements?
Are you willing to volunteer to help at the door?
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Are you a member of the Portland Country Dance Community (PCDC)?
For more information, see portlandcountrydance.org/membership
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How did you learn of our dance? (check all that apply)
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