Join the Cupertino Forum
Welcome to the Cupertino Forum! - A diplomatic forum for micronational cooperation, diplomacy, and socializing.

All are welcome to participate in the forum’s discussion channels, events, and programs, though some may be limited to members to prevent spamming and abuse. Participation in the Cupertino Forum is on an individual-basis. This means access is granted to specific people, not their micronations, though all participants must be a citizen of a micronation.

What We Offer:
  • Collaboration channels for various topics on micronationalism, such as diplomacy, culture, design, physical development, economy, technology, micro-law, government and military. We also have a few channels for general and off-topic discussion.
  • Various diplomatic and nation-building programs. The Twin Towns diplomatic program, the Nutmeg member blog, and Cupertino Guides, to name a few.
  • Events are on the horizon too. The first monthly summit will take place on July 1, with more events to come once the Events Secretary has been elected in a couple of weeks.
In order to join the Cupertino Forum, several provisions must be met:
  1. Must be a citizen of a micronation.
  2. Must have a discord account.
  3. Must not be in violation of the discord terms of service.
  4. Must not pose a safeguarding risk or other risk towards members of the Cupertino Forum, or associate closely with those who do.
  1. Be respectful
  2. Treat everyone equally regardless of color, sex, etc.
  3. Do not everyone ping
  4. Post content in correct channels
  5. Act civil. Peaceful assembly is allowed
  6. No NSFW content, including NSFW profile pictures
  7. No illegal content
  8. Do not engage in harassment, discrimination, hate speech, etc.
  9. Don’t spam

Join the Cupertino Forum at

Here is the document that describes how the forum works in detail
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