Off-Campus Storage Pilot Program Interest
For MIT funded groups that still need space, regardless if they were assigned a space or not, we will be launching a pilot program for off-campus space. For example, if you’re group is interested in storing items that do not get used frequently (once or twice a semester), or are too big to fit in a locker, you might consider this opportunity. Please fill in this form to indicate interest by January 29th. More details will come to those who fill in this interest form.
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Group Name *
Are you interested in participating in the pilot program? *
Are you in need of storage space? *
If yes, how frequently would you need access to the items stored? *
Weekly? Monthly? Once a Semester? Twice a Semester?
Are you in need of a regular meeting space? *
If yes, how frequently do you meet? And are there other reasons why you need office space?
Daily? Five times a week? Need dance practice space? Juggling practice space? Singing practice space?
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