Interest Check: a new Kaeluc AU project [Zine & Anthology Combo]

Thank you for your interest in this future zine/anthology combo project!

As the name implies, this project aims to combine both an artbook and an anthology to allow each craft to shine in a format that befits them - from longform writing with black and white art, and poems with colored page art.

If you are interested in this combo and would like to help bring it to life, either as a supporter, a contributor, or a mod, fill this interest check! It's the surest way to let us know there is potential in a mission, and so, value in pursuing it.

What's more? 👀 If you fill this interest check and consent to receiving email updates about this project, you will receive a code to add an exclusive gift to your order! 

But for that, the project needs an audience.That would be you 😉💖

Note: This Interest Check does not stand for applications! If you would like to contribute as a creator, be on the lookout for apps opening.

More info about this project

Dynamic: Kaeluc (fixed)

Theme: AUs (Alternative Universes)


  • 1x Artbook (color) with a focus on art, short fics, and poems
  • 1x short story Anthology (B&W) with a focus on longer fics, mini-doujins, and B&W art 
  • 4 to 7 merch items (TBD)
And maybe more digital items.

Rating: 18+, between M and E depending on the medium

Financial model: “~Pay for Production”, with one main objective being to at least partially finance contributors’ bundles

Preorders planned for: October 2025

Head Mod: Monee
> My zine experience
> My Twitter
> My BlueSky

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This project aims to give writers and artists a medium that allows their craft to shine. 

Essentially, this means there will be 2 main components in this project:
- 1x Artbook Zine in color, featuring colored page art, short fics, and poems
- 1x Anthology in black & white, featuring longer fics, doujins, and B&W art

How much do you enjoy this idea?
How would you like to support this project?

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If you answered the previous question with "contributor", which aspect of the project piqued your interest?
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As a supporter, why are you interested in this project?

You can select multiple answers.

Please do not answer this question if you're only interested in being a contributor.
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Would you like to receive email updates about this project?

If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, please fill your email.

Otherwise, you can skip it.

1- The code to your gift will be sent to you by email.
2- This gift will only be available via preorders of the combo project
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