TMT Incident Reporting Form

At Tantra Massage Training we aim to create a culture of communication and consent. This means listening to and taking seriously all incidents that arise in the workshop space that cause harm.

We acknowledge that we are working in a culture with distortion around sexuality and offering workshops in this field can bring up shadows within participants and the team. It is our intention to keep evolving as facilitators and holders of group spaces in order that we can all do and be better.

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Are you reporting an incident that happened at a TMT event

Details of event

What is/was the date or timeframe of the incident

Did the incident involve

What are the names of the people involved (if known)

Please share your account of the incident including as much detail as you feel able and resourced to make (it can be challenging and activating to share so please take care of yourself and your needs)

Did you make this incident known to a member of the TMT team at the time?

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If so, what was the response you received?

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, what impact has this incident had on you

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What would you like to see happen from here?

If you would like to be contacted by a member of the TMT team, please share your contact details (therefore removing anonymity)
Email address
It is also possible to contact The Association of Somatic & Integrative Sexologists ( to hold an independent process. Gayatri is a member of the ASIS and adheres to their Code of Ethics.
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This form was created inside of Tantra Massage Training. Report Abuse