Triple Crown Volunteer Registration
Thank you for Volunteering for the Triple Crown!

Note: we will do our best to accommodate your request on volunteer location, but cannot gurantee placement.

The Friday before race day you will receive an email from our volunteer coordinator (Grant Jewett) with your volunteer assignment and important details. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out directly to the triple crown at and we will get back to you shortly.

If you volunteer for 1 or 2 races you will be able to get an item from our merchandise table. If you volunteer for all 3 races you will get a special gift.

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Email *
Which Race are you Volunteering for *
Where would you like to be on the course?
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Liability Waiver

I realize that participating in this event is a potentially hazardous activity and hereby waive and release all sponsors, its officials, directors of race, race organizers, all volunteers and city officials from any and all claims or liabilities arising from my voluntary participation in this event. Further, I grant permission to the Greater L-A Triple Crown 5K Series organizers to use photographs, video or other records of this event for the purpose of future publicity.
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