Current Season and Future Programming Survey
Please complete this survey for each player you currently have registered with Mariposa Minor Hockey.  As an association we need to know what players will want to return to hockey (if given the opportunity) and under what conditions.  The information gathered will be used to make decisions regarding the remainder of the season and possible future programming.  Your time and feedback is appreciated.
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Player First Name *
Player Last Name *
Level of player *
If the City of Kawartha Lakes (CKL) facilities, Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA), and Public Health Unit (PHU) allow MMHA to return to hockey after February 11, would your player participate if only 1 spectator per player was allowed in the arena?   *
The season would conclude by March 31.  The cost would be in proportion to ice allocation.
If the CKL facilities, OMHA, and PHU allow MMHA to return to hockey after February 11, would your player participate if NO spectators are allowed in the arena?   *
The season would conclude by March 31.  The cost would be in proportion to ice allocation.
If CKL facilities, OMHA and PHU allow MMHA to return to hockey after February 11, would your player participate if we have to travel to other community centres for ice? *
The season would conclude by March 31.  The cost would be in proportion to ice allocation.
If the CKL facilities, OMHA, and PHU allow MMHA to return to hockey after February 11, would your player participate if the remainder of the season was development (practices only, no games)? *
The season would conclude by March 31.  The cost would be in proportion to ice allocation.
Would your Player be interested in spring programming organized by MMHA and under OMHA regulations, from April 1st - May 31st? *
The cost would be in proportion to ice allocation.  Location will depend on ice availability.  This will be considered if there is sufficient interest at each level (players and coaching staff) and is within CKL and PHU regulations.
If you have questions or comments regarding the future of the season please take a moment to share and a board member will be in touch.
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