More information / questions
I hope you enjoyed the session but I know there was likely not enough time to cover everything...  I am happy to send you a copy of the slides from the session if you would like.  

Also, if there is interest I am happy to schedule a webinar after we return home from R4.  
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Please send me a copy of the slides *
Would you like to join a webinar following R4? *
Please provide your contact information below so I can get you what you requested.   We service the Greater Dayton / Cincinnati Ohio areas and would love to connect with any of you that may have clients coming into or out of our area.  I hope you enjoyed the session and look forward to talking in the future.
Feel free to connect with me on Facebook at or if you would like to "Like" our business page that would be great as well :-)
Name *
Email *
General market area *
Street Address
Zip Code
Phone number
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