NG-DE 2019 Scholarship application form
We want to give people of underrepresented groups the possibility to attend NG-DE.

We have two scholarships to apply for. You can apply for a full scholarship including a conference ticket, travel and accommodation or a ticket scholarship, which includes a free ticket to the conference.

You can apply twice for either the full scholarship or the ticket scholarship.

If you get accepted we will get in contact at least one month before the conference.
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Your first name *
Your last name *
Your country of residence *
Your email address *
Tell us a little bit about you *
What scholarship do you want to apply for *
Please tell us why you apply for a scholarship? *
Privacy Policy *
We treat your personal data in accordance with the data protection regulations in the EU. We would like to display your name and picture on our site, as provided, optionally with your Twitter handle, GitHub username, and website if provided. For more information about our third party data processors, please check our Privacy Policy.
Code of Conduct *
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