Whether member of Parliament, Welsh Government, Scottish Executive, or local government: *
If you are a local government councillor please provide the name of the local authority where you are a councillor:
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Email address: *
Your answer
Telephone number (direct dial): *
Your answer
Contact business address for your organisation (NOT a personal address): (Please provide the full postal business address for your organisation, with post code.): *
Your answer
Invoice address (if different from above):
Your answer
Email address for invoicing. (If invoices need to be sent to your Finance Dept, please provide the relevant email address here): *
Your answer
Please tell us your preferred payment type. If you opt for payment by direct debit, please note that the direct debit must be set up at the start of your 12-month licensing period): *
Will you be raising a Purchase Order for the payment of your AdviserNet subscription fee? {If you answer 'yes', then please note that you will be asked to advise us of the PO number before we invoice you for the fee.) *
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