Equity Audit & Action Planning Committee Application
This Equity Audit is one of many steps to advance SFUSD’s goals around equity and access and is an essential part of SFUSD’s resolution, “In Response to Ongoing, Pervasive Systemic Racism at Lowell High School”.  Read it here: go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board.nsf/files/BXS6G914D48F/$file/Collins%20Lowell%202_Feb%202021.pdf

The audit and work of this committee will be supported by The University of Kentucky Education and Education and Civil Rights Initiative (ECRI), in collaboration with the National NAACP. To learn more about the ECRI and the team leading this audit visit here: https://education.uky.edu/civil-rights/ 

Our shared goal is the facilitation of a full community driven Racial Equity Plan. As a member of the Equity Audit Action Plan committee, you will be an important voice and collaborator in this work. The Committee will ultimately include roughly 20-25 other members, including parents/guardians, students, community organization members, site staff and District leadership.

The Equity Audit Action Planning committee meetings will be convened by the SF School Board and facilitated by the Director of the ECRI, Dr. Greg Vincent and Dr. Sarah LaCour.

This committee will collaboratively produce solutions and and make recommendations on critical areas of growth and change. Committee members will provide input and support outreach on the following:

- A district wide survey to be given to students, educators, parents/guardians, and community members.
- A series of small focus groups representing key players.

Committee members will also provide recommendations to inform a fully drafted Action Plan for moving forward.

Equity Audit Action Committee meetings will be held weekly for the first month of this phase, and 2x per month thereafter. Each meeting will last 90 minutes, and be held on a weeknight that will be confirmed at our first meeting.

Please note that the work of this committee and its membership will occur in open noticed meetings in accordance with the Brown Act, California's open meeting law. Your application to this committee is a public document and may be requested by members of the public.

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Please read the description of the Equity Audit Action Committee above and explain why you wish to be a member of this group? *
This committee requires active participation from all committee members. In order to successfully implement the Equity Audit process included in the Resolution, we will need support from all members of the group. What do you hope to contribute? *
Please read the Resolution No. 212-2A1: In Response to Ongoing, Pervasive Systemic Racism at Lowell High School. (See link in description above.) How would you address the issues raised in the Resolution? * *
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