Urban Discovery Experience
An event designed for prospective staff, potential board member, and school entrepreneurs.
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Event Details
An event designed for prospective staff, potential board member, and school entrepreneurs.  More details at: UECollective.org/UDE as flyer and schedule  below.
Event Flyer
Event Schedule
Urban Educator's Collective | Alignment
The Urban Discovery Experience is provided by the Urban Educator's Collective. It is of utmost important to us that we know we are a fit for each other before we embark on a discovery experience together.  Please watch the following video, review our purpose, and rate your alignment with it before continuing in the registration process.
Welcome Video
UEC Purpose
UEC Core Values
How closely would you rate your agreement with the values and purpose of the Urban Educators Collective? *
Disagree completely
Strongly agree
Which description best describes your reason for attending the Urban Discovery Event? *
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