Montessori School Financial Support Group
If you would like to join one of our small discussion groups, please enter your information below. We will contact you later with your group assignment and schedule.

These small groups will offer coaching and mutual support about all financial challenges that your school currently faces. Topics will include, but are not limited to: Cash flow analysis; deferred payments, tuition; re-enrollment; payroll; staffing - layoffs & furloughs; alternative revenue sources; contingency planning.
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Your name: *
Your school's name: *
My school was founded in (year) *
My school serves the following levels (please check all that apply) *
My top concerns are: *
I think there's a real chance that my school might permanently close in the few months.
I'm most concerned with what to do right now
I'm worried about cashflow over the next few months
My school has: *
My school is located in (state, province, or territory): *
Where I live my school is closed until at least (Date): *
This question is about your decision making environment. Please answer with the option that best describes your school: *
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