Flow Fitness Teacher Training
At Flow Fitness, we believe in a welcoming space dedicated to bringing the art of sensual movement and pole dancing to everyday women. The Flow team hopes to build an oasis that inspires growth physically, emotionally and mentally through the use of this special movement and sisterhood that we have. We believe that this is all done through careful training and detailed preparation of teaching movement, science, and art. No matter where you are in your pole dancing passion, we hope to take your practice to a new level through this instructor training program. Whether you're interested in starting your journey as a Flow Fitness instructor and/or simply a student wanting to deepen your pole practice, then this training is for you. You will successfully learn and execute proper pole level 1 techniques and methodologies before stepping into the role of the instructor. Through this training you will learn how to find your voice and craft energetically challenging classes while empowering other women to find their power.

For questions - email info@flowfitnessstudio.com
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Email *
Full Name *
How long have you been a student of Flow Fitness? *
Tell us about your pole experience so far. How has pole and/or Flow been a great influence in your life? *
What are your goals for the teacher training program? *
Do you have previous teaching experience? *
Our apprenticeship program requires a commitment of a minimum of 3-4 months of weekly training including 1 weeknight and some weekend timeframes. Can you 100% commit to this training? *
In order to have a permeant position at Flow, you must keep availability open including weekends and commit to part time employment contract. What is your availability? Please be specific. *
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