Racial Equity in Higher Education Teach-ins

Grow and learn with us to gain a new perspective on organizing, disability and educational justice in the Chinese diaspora!

Teach-ins are below and are all at 7pm ET! 

February 17: The Myth of Meritocracy & Elitism in Affirmative Action

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling affirmative action unconstitutional in higher education, this workshop will interrogate common falsehoods pervading affirmative action discourse and the unmeritocratic foundations of elite institutions, contextualize anti-affirmative action narratives with the Model Minority Myth and the history of Asian American labor in the United States, and explore ways of looking beyond traditional conceptions of elitism and meritocracy and moving toward advancing racial equity in education. 

February 18th: The Battle for CRT and Ethnic Studies

There have been several legislative attacks on Critical Race Theory and Ethnic Studies in our schools and with that, we have also seen a rise in mis and dis information. 

This workshop will aim to contextualize CRT and Ethnic Studies in their histories, examine their current role in education, and dream towards a future where they can serve as powerful tools for racial equity, political education, and liberation.  

February 24th: Anti-Blackness in Educational Debates

What role does anti-Blackness play in debates on affirmative action, Critical Race Theory, and ethnic studies? 

How does the anti-Blackness of the model minority myth contribute to disinformation narratives on affirmative action? 

Join us and learn about how non-Black Asian Americans can fight for racial equity in higher education, and how anti-Blackness undermines educational equity for everyone. 

February 25th: Ableism in Universities

Deconstruct the role of higher education and how it authorizes policies of exclusion, eugenics, and elitism. 

We will discuss the ways higher education perpetuates ableism, not only through its lack of accommodations, but as a function of societal eugenics through which it compounds and reinforces ableist policies of exclusion and actively disables its students. 

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