2024 K-12 Philly School Fair Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the 2024 Philly K-12 School Fair! 

Please see all available volunteer roles and responsibilities at this link.

The Fair will take place at the PA Convention Center on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th, 2024. Please fill out this form and our team will be in touch with you soon. Please note: By volunteering for the School Fair, we may ask that you join us for a training session hosted on zoom prior to the event. 

VOLUNTEER GROUPS (5+ people): The K-12 Philly School Fair is a great opportunity for community service hours with larger groups! Please indicate below if you are interested in volunteering as a group and we will be sure to follow up with additional information on how we can accommodate your group.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Alli Adams at alli@wittygritty.com.
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First Name  *
Last Name  *
Are you interested in volunteering individually or as a group?
If you are interested in volunteering as a group, how many TOTAL volunteers do you plan on bringing?
Organization (if applicable)
Email  *
Phone Number  *
Please select your preferred shift:  *
Have you volunteered at the Philly School Fair before?
If so, what did you like best about volunteering at the Philly High School Fair?
Which role are you interested in taking on? *
If you're interested in being a Family Ambassador, please tell us why you are fit for the role. *
How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
Do you require any accommodations or have a health condition that we should consider when assigning volunteer roles?

Any further questions or comments?
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