Aurora Booking Inquiry
Please share a little information about yourself and your event. We will be happy to check availability for you and start the reservation process if available.
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Name *
Please provide your email address.
What date are you interested in booking? Please keep in mind we generally only book Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays with some availability on Tuesdays as well.  *
Please select the time block you wish to reserve. *
If you selected "Other" on the time block section above please let us know what block of time you are interested in. Hours must run consecutively. 
What type of event are you having? (Ex.: Burlesque show, fundraiser, photoshoot, trivia night, wedding/reception.) *
Is the event public or private? *
If the date you selected is unavailable are there any other dates that you would like for us to check? If so, please provide them here. *
Tell us about your ideal event: *
Services needed: *
Equipment needed: *
Other notes/comments:
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