Safe Streets Pinellas Pledge
Everyone in Pinellas County should be able to walk, bike, take public transit and drive on streets that are safe. No one should be killed traveling our roadways.

Throughout the country and world, Vision Zero communities ask for a commitment to work together to get to zero deaths and serious injuries. We are asking the same of Pinellas County residents, workers and visitors. We recognize zero doesn’t happen overnight, but we need to actively work to make it happen. We cannot ignore the real costs to people, families, and our community about the loss of life and debilitating injuries on our roadways just to move cars faster.

There are many things we can do to work towards getting there. Not checking our phones when we are driving, biking or walking – even just a peek. Slowing down and looking at our surroundings. Being alert and paying attention especially at intersections. Saying “crashes” instead of “accidents,” as crashes are preventable and tie responsibilities to our actions. Thinking about traffic crashes as a public health issue, not only a transportation one. These are just a few examples.

We can’t do this alone. We need your help to make our streets safer for everyone. Take your pledge today!

You can save lives! Take the pledge today to show why you support #SafeStreets.
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Safe Streets Pledge
I am a (driver, pedestrian, bicyclist, parent, student, neighbor, etc.) *
And I pledge to... *
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