This is an application form. Completing this application does not guarantee an acceptance to be a mentor or judge of the ETH Cinco de Mayo Hackathon on February 2-4, 2024. After a complete review, we will notify accepted mentors and judges to complete their registration by accepting the Code of Conduct and the Terms and Conditions. conditions of the event.
IMPORTANT: Mentors and Judges registered through this form are not allowed to represent companies or promote a specific technology as a target, mentors and judges are people who collaborate with hackers to achieve their own objectives without bias towards any specific technology or solution. For Partnership proposals that allows you to be a mentor and judge propoting your company/project please contact the organization Name: ETH Cinco de Mayo
Timing: Feb 2nd-4th, 2024
Type: Free event, approval required.
Address: CIEN, Cholula, Puebla, México.
https://ETHCincoDeMayo.comX account: