Petition to keep the Margaret Centre at Whipps Cross hospital

We the undersigned value the high-quality specialist end of life and palliative care services provided by the Margaret Centre.

● We call on the North East London Integrated Care Board and Barts Health NHS Trust to commit to re-provide the Centre on the site of the new Whipps Cross Hospital.

● We call on the Board to give our community a real say in planning for the provision of NHS end of life and palliative care. The proposed public consultation must include a plan to keep the Margaret Centre on the hospital site, and to enhance the services that it provides

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The Margaret Centre is a specialist inpatient unit at Whipps Cross hospital
offering palliative and end of life care to people living with life-limiting conditions and where a significant amount of people spend their final days. Its services include complementary therapy, symptom management, bereavement care and support.

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