Team Voltage Student Contract - 2024/25
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I acknowledge, understand, and agree to all of the rules and conditions below:
Full Name *
1. I have read the current Team Voltage Handbook and will comply with its terms and conditions. *
2. I plan to achieve active membership status. *
3. I am responsible for arranging my own transportation to and from Team Voltage meetings. *
4. I understand that I will be absent from school during competitions and travel. *
5. I understand that I am responsible for my schoolwork. If any of my grades are below a "C", or if my GPA is below 2.0, I understand that I will not be allowed to participate with the team until my grades meet the team requirements. If I do not meet these grade requirements, then I will be suspended from Team Voltage. AP, dual-enrollment, and similar course grades are not an exception. *
6. I will pass the Team Voltage shop safety exam. *
7. I agree to safely use all tools and equipment while working on any Voltage project. I respect the severity of a possible accident and agree that I may be dismissed from the team if I do not work safely. I also agree that I will not operate any tool or item of equipment unless I have been trained to use it safely. *
8.    I agree to only wear closed toed shoes during build season *
9. I will maintain an acceptable level of productivity while at all team activities. I understand that if I am asked to leave a team activity, I will. *
10.   I will not use any audio devices or video games while at team activities. *
11. I will not use inappropriate language or behave inappropriately while at team activities. *
12. If I fail to comply with any of the above rules, I understand that I may be dismissed from the team immediately. *
If you have read, understand and agree with all of the above, type your initials below.  If you do not agree please type "I do not agree". *
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