Registration form for Učka Ornithological Camp
We are thrilled that you showed interested for monitoring birds on their fall migration across Učka!

The camp will take place from August 12th until September 1st 2024. We are inviting you to join us for the weekend or stay with us the whole week and improve your knowledge and love towards nature.

Number of participants on the camp is limited. Donation for staying in the camp is 30 EUR daily for foreign participants, and if you spend more than 3 days at the camp, the donation is 20 EUR per day.

Share with us your motivation for the participation in the camp and tell us about your previous experience with Biom (if there is any).

It is of great importance for us to know the exact place and time of your arrival so that we could plan our schedule. So please, share that information with us. Arrivals on the camp are possible on Friday and Saturday and departures are possible on Saturday and Sunday. 

Applications are open until July 15th but they don`t guarantee you place in the camp. You can expect the confirmation of participation or information about waiting list until July 17th. 

If you have any questions or doubts, let us know by reaching us on this email

And don`t forget - internet connection on the camp is not stable so it is very important for us to know about any potential changes as soon as possible. 

Hope to see you on the camp! :) 
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Your email address *
Name and Surname *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
What is your motivation for participating in the ornithological camp? *
Have you been engaged in Biom`s work previously and how? *
Did you know about Biom previously, how long, have you ever worked with us? In which activities did you participate?
Are you a member of Biom? *
Would you like to organize an educational activity during your participation in the camp?  *
We organize daily knowledge pot, educational activity for all the participants. For the last few years we talked about diverse topics such as bird migrations, medical plants, birds in music etc. If you wish to share your knowledge with us, it would make us very happy! And we would get back to you with more details.
How did you hear about our camp? *
If you heard about it over radio, newspaper or social networks, please specify your source.
When would you like to join us in the camp? *
Arrivals are only possible on Friday and Saturday. The camp programme is based on this schedule. Those participants that can`t arrive with their car we can collect on Fridays or Saturdays at Sveta Jelena or Mošćenička Draga and drive them to the camp.
Day of your departure from the camp *
We can drive participants to Sveta Jelena or Mošćenička Draga on Saturday and Sunday. The trail from the camp to the bus station in Sveta Jelena is 4 km long and it is easy to hike.
At what time do you plan to arrive at the camp/Sveta Jelena/Mošćenička Draga? *
If you are arriving with your own car or hiking to the locations, you can arrive at any time just make sure to share your schedule with us. If you are arriving by bus or need a lift to the camp location, you should plan to arrive between 11:30 and 15:30 - times when we are able to collect you. If you are still not sure about your arrival time, please share that with us (and write potential time) and we will agree about it later.
How are you arriving to the camp? *
Where are you arriving from? If you are arriving by a car, can you pick up another participant with you?
Sometimes more participants are arriving on the same day from the same direction and we can try to connect those arrivals.
Do you have any dietary requirements?  *
Bare in mind we don`t have a fridge at the location so our food is usually vegetarian.
Will you bring your tent? *
Do you have any question or comment for us?
In order to be able to organize this camp and cover all the costs of camp maintenance, the purchase of drinking water and food, garbage collection etc., we need financial support.

Thus, the donation for foreign participants is 30 EUR per day, and if you spend more than 3 days at the camp, the donation is 20 EUR per day.

However, we do not want finances to be the main reason why someone cannot participate in the camp, so feel free to contact us at if you need financial support.
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Form of consent *
By filling in this application I agree with being photographed and filmed during camp activities. Video material will be used for promotion of Biom`s acitivies. Identity of the participants and all other information about participants collected through this form won`t be published with the mentioned video material.
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