Monthi Fest 2024 - Participant Registration
Cultural Program Date and Time: 1 September 2024 - 5 pm to 9 pm
Location: The Queen of Peace Church - 9118 Winston Churchill Blvd Norval - ON L0P 1K0
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We are accepting registrations for these events. 
Entries will be shortlisted by 15 August 2024

  1. Showcase your talent in singing, dance, music, acting and enjoy your moment of fame! Solo and group performances welcome. Participant age group: 12 years+ Stage time: 3 minutes.

  2. Get ready to dazzle and delight at our Fancy Dress Competition, where your creativity and imagination come to life! Prizes to be won. Participant age: 5-12 years. Stage time: 1 minute

What event would you like to register for? *
Please provide participant info i.e. Event type (Solo/Group): Name - Age *
For group participation, please enter names of all participants.  e.g. Singing (Group): Jane Doe - 25 years, John Doe - 30 years
Please enter contact information and the best time to contact you.  *
e.g. Jane Doe, 647 123 456,  Monday to Friday - after 6 pm,
Any other information that you would like to share? *
Title, Theme, language etc., links to share.
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