Wednesday Open Mic Act Registration SEP-DEC 24
Register below for a 5 minute open mic spot and then join the Comedy Kiss Open Mic WhatsApp community:
In the Whatsapp community there are two groups for the Wednesday and Thursday open mics where the lineups will be announced. 

Absolute beginners, travelling comics and experienced pros are all welcome. The room is normally full and audience is always very supportive.

Spots will be confirmed the weekend before the show. Clicking all shows, does not mean you will get a spot. The line ups will be announced on the respective Whatsapp group.
Variety is the spice of life and, regardless of how good they were the first time, neither I nor the audience need to hear your joke about your name/heritage/wife 52 times a year...So we'll try to ensure a varied line-up. 

Thank you so much for your participation and support, 

Shane and Richard
Email *
Name (or how we should call you out on stage) *
Telephone Number *
Your instagram account for tagging you in event posts
If you're new to Comedy Kiss, please tell us a few words about your experience performing Comedy.
Open Mic Spots
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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