Corpus Christi Mutual Aid "Offer Support" Form
If you cannot fill out the form or do not feel comfortable sharing personal information, please contact us at (361)360-1869 or corpuschristimutualaid@gmail.

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Email *
Contact information
Name & pronouns *
Legal name not required
Phone *
Phone (secondary/backup) *
How should we get a hold of you? *
Zipcode *
Details about your offer for support
Do you agree to trust that each person making a request knows their own needs? *
Are you 21+ with a valid ID? *
What kind of support are you willing to provide? *
What type of money transfer works for you?
Clear selection
Username for money transfer app selected above:
Generally, what times are you available?
You may also leave more specific day and time schedules in the "Other" write in box.
What languages do you speak?
Do you have other skills you would be willing to provide?
Translations, household assistance, childcare, dog walking, pet-sitting, graphic design, research, social media, etc!
Any additional specifications, comments, or questions?
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