Course Content and Organization
1. The course objectives were clear
3. The Course was well organized (e.g. timely
access to materials, notification of changes, etc.)
*Student Contribution
5. Approximate level of your own attendance during the whole Course
*Learning Environment and Teaching Methods
9. I think the Course was well structured to achieve
the learning outcomes (there was a good balance of
lectures, tutorials, practical etc.)
*10. The learning and teaching methods encouraged participation
*11. The overall environment in the class was conducive to learning.
*Learning Resources
14. Learning materials (Lesson Plans, Course Notes
etc.) were relevant and useful.
*16. The provision of learning resources in the library was adequate and appropriate
*17. The provision of learning resources on the Web was adequate and appropriate ( if relevant)
*Quality of Delivery
19. The Course stimulated my interest and thought onthe subject area
23. The method of assessment were reasonable
*Instructor / Teaching Assistant Evaluation
27. I understood the lectures
*29. The instructor was responsive to student needs and Problems
*30. Had the instructor been regular throughout the course?
30. The material in the tutorials was useful
33. The material in the practicals was useful
*34. The demonstrators dealt effectively with my problems.
*Overall Evaluation
35. The best features of the Course were:
*36. The Course could have been improved by:
*Equal Opportunities Monitoring (Optional)
37. The
University does not tolerate discrimination on any irrelevant distinction (e.g.
race, age, gender) and is committed to work with diversity in a wholly positive
way. Please indicate below anything in relation to this Course which may run
counter to this objective
Demographic Information: (Optional)
38. Full/part time study:
*40. Domicile: