Sekhedsu's Writing Idea Bin
A place for submitting an idea for Sekhedsu to potentially write. Do note: These are not comms or requests, and while I give a place for references, submitting your own characters does NOT mean I will use them. Usually only use people I know and like, so if I don't know you I'd be hard pressed. BUT, if I do choose to use a character, I will attempt to contact you first and may involve you in the process. I reserve the right to alter or iterate any idea I pick.

I may do full stories, or short inserts for practice. I may or may not post them. But I do want to get back to posting more so I will try to submit things more.

Subjects I will write about:
  • Male or Female, though I lean towards liking Male myself, and portray them better.
  • Inflation, up to and including astronomical/reality breaking sizes.
  • Hyper, up to and including astronomical/reality breaking sizes.
  • Macro, up to and including astronomical/reality breaking sizes.
  • Vore, oral and cock are good. Absorption I can do. En Masse or Singular. Safe or otherwise.
  • Size Difference
  • Dominant/Submissive
  • Growth
  • Popping, clean or otherwise.
  • Can be comedic or serious.
Subjects I will NEVER write about:
  • Anything Toilet Related
  • Anything involving a minor, AND I DO NOT ACCEPT "AGED UP" AS A WORKAROUND.
  • Anything involving named Nintendo Characters
  • Anything involving Sonic Characters (99% of them are MINORS. Get out.)
  • OCs that are not yours and I would need to go seek permission for them. C'mon, don't be that guy.

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Your Name, if you want credit for the idea.
The Idea, or Scenario:
Character References (Optional).
Make sure your links work please.
Preferred point of contact (Telegram, Bluesky, or Discord only. I hate FA PMs.)
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